I'm Albert Teira Osuna.
I'm a software engineer. This is my personal portfolio and here I have all the things I've learned and created.

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About Me

I'm currently a Full-Stack / RPA Developer at Minsait, Indra. I'm taking care of all the RPA structure for Danone as well as developing new projects for them.

I have a bachleor in Informatics Engineering from FIB-UPC, with a specialization in Computer Science.

June 2021 - Present
Full-Stack / RPA Developer
UiPath UiPath Orchestrator
UiPath Studio Git Github Github Desktop Microsoft Teams Workspace / Workplace from Meta
June 2019 - June 2021
HTML CSS JS PHP Composer Silex Smarty Bootstrap JQuery MySQL
Git Github Github Desktop Jira Confluence AWS EC2 Windows Server cPanel VS Code
Facultat d'Informàtica de Barcelona (FIB-UPC)
My Projects

The actual portfolio you're watching.

HTML SCSS Javascript Jekyll